Program Advertising and Information

Program Advertising
Our programs are 5.5 x 8.5, saddle stapled with a full color cover and inside cover ads.
Program Ad Pricing
Friends and Family Advertising and Boosters >
Ads can be submitted as a .pdf, .jpg or .ai (create outlines for fonts) file formats. All ads should be high resolution (300dpi at actual size). Artwork for full color ads should be CMYK.
For black and white ads, it is best to provide artwork in black and white. Avoid grayscale for best results. Ads can be emailed to us, or contact us if you need to upload to a DropBox folder.
Place an ad or a special booster message in our program. You can fill out the Journal Ad Form (coming soon) and pay for your Ad or Booster online or mail the form with a check to Community Playhouse of Northport, P.O. Box 689, East Northport, NY 11731.
A convenience fee will be added to online payments.